How to Make More Money Without Quitting Your Job

Quitting your job now is not a bright idea – no matter how scummy you think your pay is. Sure, you deserve a better paying job, so does everybody else; but landing that better paying job is twice more difficult than hunting for that dream job. You should be thinking instead about the big one – how to make more money on top of your pay.

Tap Into Your Own Resources

You do not need to go back to school to earn another degree to get jobs on the side. Well, it will probably serve you well in the future and you can certainly do that if you have the money and the time, which is probably not the case since you are reading this article. Like you, others who live on a small paycheck are dying to know how to make more money the legit way.

You need not look far. Look inwards. It is all about you. Do you know what it takes to take on an extra job? The issue is not always about how to make more money. It’s also about coping, the skills that you have, and the level of interest to take on a new challenge. Note that swinging from one job to another and is not always easy. But with money getting scarce, you have to swing that lifeline.

So start evaluating your skills and talents. Have family and friends been praising your ability to whip delish desserts or pestering you to write for them because you have a way with words? Do you have a green thumb or an artist’s eye? Are you good with children or pets? Think about the second job in these terms and determine the one or two things you are good at. This is basic when you want to know how to make more money without quitting your day job.

Make it Happen

After establishing what you are good at, plan your steps. Other concerns include rent. Can you afford renting a space uptown? Or do you want to work at home? Will your services allow you to work at home? Are you willing to work on referrals? Once you get these things down, get on the roll.

Advertise your services and keep going. Let people know where to call or email you and rally your friends to spread the word. Do not limit the advertising to family and friends but use the social networking sites online and get more advertising mileage. The internet can help you get a global market for your products or services i.e. blogging and website designing.

Be Patient

How to make more money with your own resources requires patience. Money does not grow on trees overnight. You might not get a client a week after advertising your services, but that’s all right. You just have to keep your schedule flexible and wait. When a client calls, grab the chance to show what you have.

Another thing, remember that you must never refuse a first time client. If you do, there’s a good chance that they won’t be coming back to you the next time they need a box of brownies, a babysitter, a dog-walker, or whatever.

Now that you have a few ideas on how to make more money without actually quitting your job, do not just sit there. Do something that will put more $ $ $ into your bank account! That is how to make more money on the double.