Many online money making tips in internet are scam, If you want to make money online but do not know how to make it happen, don’t worry I have make a list of money making tips for you to start making money online.
1. Affiliate marketing
Many people may have already know affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is promoting other’s people product on internet and get commission for a percentage that the merchant give.
You are promoting clickbank product fat burning furnace the product price is $ 45 the commission for affiliate is 60%, you get $ 27 every sale that you referred
2. Internet marketing
Internet marketing seem similar to affiliate marketing, but in internet marketing you learn how to drive traffic to your site. From search engine optimization (SEO) to pay per click (PPC),online advertising using banner and pay per view (PPV)
3. Online paid survey
Many online paid survey in internet almost are scam. Before I know internet marketing industry me too have been scammed by an paid survey company. They said with just following their survey I can make money in my free time, but when I join I must pay $ 40 for membership every month.
Note: don’t be scammed by online paid survey company.
4. Paid review
If you love blogging and reviewing other’s people product than you should try paid review. In my part time job as a blogger I also write a review for several company and product. The money you make in paid receive based on you blog pagerank and alexa ranking. If your blog have a high pagerank and alexa rank wany advertiser want you to review their’s product in you blog, good for SEO too
5. Advertising Publisher
Placing advertiser ads on your site can make you money, the pricing can be in CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPM (Cost Per Impression), you can join major advertising network like google adsense, yahoo publisher, chitika, buy sell ads.Tthere are many advertising network on internet but I recommended is google adsense and buy sell ads for starting point
6. CPA Marketing
Similar to affiliate marketing but in CPA (Cost Per Action) marketing you get paid when other people submit information through your link. This can be vary from $ 1 to $ 35 for people you referred. But I very easy just referred people to fill their information only several CPA network I suggest clickbooth, and neverblue
7. E-Commerce Site
Start selling online now easier there are many shopping cart script to install in your site or by using wordpress and turn it into e-commerce website using shopping cart plugin. Focused on your niche and Try in a small niche first, do not compete against with the e-commerce big boys like amazon, overstock or bestbuy. Unless you have a lot of money to compete
Well if you are seriously want to learn more about how to make money online I have recommendation for you. This really newbie friendly and this cost as low as $ 19.95.
This course called “advertising profits from home” by Anthony Morrison author of the hidden millionaire.